Friday, 27 May 2011

Sushi...kind of

In the mood for sushi, but maybe you don't want to spend money eating out? Or perhaps you don't like all the mess when making it yourself? Well I have the best recipe ever!!!!

 I started making this at home when we used to have Korean home-stay children living with us. It's quick, easy, inexpensive and if I do say so myself, really delicious. All you need is a few packs of roasted seaweed ( I get them at my produce market) some sticky rice...or even regular rice that you cook with too much water so it goes sticky.Who would of thought there was a use for improperly cooked rice LOL! Just a few other ingredients and you're done. Quick and easy homemade sushi...who would have thought? See the full recipe below:

several packs             roasted seaweed                           
2c                                    cooked sticky rice

1 tin                              tuna or salmon
1/4                                red pepper (finely diced)
1                                     spring onion (finely sliced)
1tsp                              sesame oil and sesame seeds
1                                    clove of garlic (crushed)
1                                    small piece of ginger (crushed)
2tsp                              soy sauce
2tsp                              hot sauce (optional)
1                                    small handful of chopped cilantro

Set the seaweed and rice aside. Mix all the other ingredients together in a bowl and stir.

Now serve and let everyone make their own sushi cones. Simply pick up a sheet of seaweed, add a spoonful of rice, then some tuna and fold like a taco or into a cone and eat. That's it just keep eating them as you make them. It's really a fun social way to kids love these when they have friends over!

* Tip- Left over rice works great for this dish...just add a little extra water and rewarm in the microwave. It will quickly become sticky rice.

*Tip- To crush the ginger I simply put a small piece in my garlic like a charm!



  1. sounds very tasty... as a cone you can top it with some greens so you have aa salad as well as sushi temaki
    also, if you use a rasp for the ginger you get much finer pieces but all in all sounds very tasty

  2. Great suggestions Andrew...I do that too. My fave green with this is pea shoots.

    I agree about the ginger but I find when I'm making it for kids they find the raw ginger too strong... using powdered ginger is not an option for I use the garlic press. Only the juice from the ginger is extracted and the fibre from the ginger stays in the garlic press. That way everyones happy. I get fresh ginger and the kids don't complain about the strong bits.
