Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Late Night Gardener

It's happened again...I went outside early in the evening to water a few plants and I came back in several hours later, covered in dirt! Let me paint the picture for you.

I had just put the kids to bed and was still wearing my super cute long maxi sundress  from earlier on in the day. http://summerdresseson.com/tag/maxi-sundresses I tell myself it's a perfect evening to go out and enjoy the warm air and the quiet, while I water my garden. So I slip on my oh so elegant gardening boots and start about my business. Of course because I'm a true gardener at heart, I see the odd thing here and there that should be divided or moved to a new location and make note of them. I complete my watering and tell myself that maybe I should move just that one phlox tonight, as it has gotten a little larger than I had originally anticipated. It would only take a minute...

Long story short, several hours later, covered in dirt, mud and soaking wet, I make my way back in the house. I'm thinking my new neighbor that drove past me must think he moved in next to a complete head case LOL ...but I don't really care. I figure what better way to spend an evening? Submersed in my dreams of a garden that not feeds my family but feeds my soul too! Perhaps next time, instead of sitting in front of the TV watching a show you don't really like anyway... you too become a late night gardener.

Here's a link for a fantastic site I came across the other day. It's a tool to help you plan the garden of your dreams http://www.growveg.com/Default.aspx.

If you don't have the space or the inclination to start you own veggie garden you should visit one of my favorite places to shop for produce called Mary's Garden...they started back in 1966 in a little vegetable stand at the farm of Jack and Mary Nootebos. Jack and Mary grew several things, but no where near what is currently grown at Mary's Garden, today. Back then, they were only open for a couple months out of the year and customers were instructed to honk their horn to get Mary's attention as she was often out working in the field.

Over the years, Mary's Garden has grown several times and now is located in it's biggest barn yet. Two of Mary's four sons, Ken and Mike, now run the business but Jack still works every day on the farm to help everyone out. Mary has retired but still enjoys coming down to the farm to pick flowers and see the business that she began, so many years ago.



  1. Been there done that! Funny how time flies when you're having fun. Ill just pull this couple of weeds turns into OOps , I rearranged an entire bed!

  2. Loved this post Angela - this is what I do, sometimes in a business suit.
    We also met over a conversation about your garden while I was walking by. I had admired the healthly little flower garden a number of times while out walking and told you just that. It was a pleasure meeting the vibrant and beautiful woman that tends this lovely garden.
